Forming a Corporation -
Questions and Answers
Q & A Corporations
Order Form Corporation
Q & A LLC's
Order Form LLC
Incorporate in Delaware
Incorporate in Nevada
Business Incorporation Kit
Limited Liability Company Kit
Our Fees
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Q: What is a corporation?
A: A corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners, and may
have an unlimited number of shareholders. A major advantage of any
corporate form is that it limits the personal liability of the owners for
claims against the corporation. Additionally, as a separate entity,
a corporation has unlimited life, extending it beyond the life of its
owners. Creation of a corporation occurs when properly completed articles
of incorporation are filed with the appropriate state authority, and all
fees are paid.
Q: What is an S corporation?
A: An S corporation is a corporation that has elected a special tax status with the IRS. This tax treatment allows the income of the corporation to be
treated like the income of a partnership or sole proprietorship; the
income is "passed-through" to the shareholders. Thus,
shareholder's individual tax returns report the income or loss
generated by an S corporation. By checking off this option on our
order form 101incorporate can assist you in this election.
Note: In order to qualify for S corporation status, the
corporation must be a U.S. corporation with only one class of stock
and the shareholders must number fewer than 75. These shareholders
must be individuals, estates or certain qualified trusts, who consent
in writing to the S corporation election. The shareholders can not be
non-resident aliens.
Q: What are the requirements for the director of the
A: Most states only require a corporation to have one director. Each
director must be an adult. Furthermore a director is not required to reside within the state of
incorporation. In addition one person may be director and hold all offices.
Note: It is important to note that a shareholder may serve
on the board of directors and as an officer. In fact, in most states
one shareholder is sufficient to form a corporation.
Q: Do I need an attorney to
A: No, an attorney is not a legal requirement to incorporate.
101incorporate can
prepare and file the articles of incorporation, simply fill out our
order form and we will do all the work necessary to form your new
Q: What is a
registered agent?
A: A registered agent provides a registered address for the receipt of
service of legal papers A registered agent also serves as a local contact for the Secretary of
State and other government agencies. The registered agent receives
notice of any suits, tax notices, etc. and then forwards them to the corporation.
Q: Is
it possible for you to act as your own registered agent as long as your
registered address is within the state that you are incorporating in?
A: It is possible for you to act as your own registered agent as
long as your address is within the state that you are forming
the entity in. However, if registered agent services are required, as
they frequently are in Delaware and Nevada,
101incorporate can provide these services.
Q: What is
the corporate kit?
A: After your Articles are filed, your corporation must
hold an organizational meeting where bylaws are adopted. Share
certificates can be distributed to shareholders and these transactions
should be recorded on the corporation's stock ledger. All of this
information can be maintained in a corporate record book, which is
included in the corporate kit. Our corporate kit includes all of
the information and paperwork needed to make this process easier.
Q: How do I
get started?
A: Upon receiving your completed order,
101incorporate will immediately file and execute all the
necessary documentation to file your corporation. To place an order, simply utilize our
online order form.
Q & A Corporations
Order Form
Q & A LLC's
Order Form LLC
Incorporate in Delaware
Incorporate in Nevada
Business Incorporation Kit
Limited Liability Company Kit
Our Fees
Order Status

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